Research Equipment

The five departments of the ISPW consider the available research equipment as a common resource. Consequently, the equipment is not allocated to particular departments or persons but rather organized with respect to research topics. In regards to infrastructure, the institute has six research labs at its disposal (Sensorimotor, Behaviour, Electrophysiology, Health-Physiology and Exergaming Lab plus Cubicles) as well as research tools that can be assigned to six categories (anthropometry, physical activity monitoring, movement and talent diagnostics, questionnaires and multimedia technology). For further details, please see below.

Research Infrastructure

Sensorimotor Lab

The Sensorimotor Lab offers a unique CAVE environment for interaction with virtual environments. Visual content can be displayed stereoscopically and perspective-correct on the floor and walls, either as (interactive) animated 3D environments or as 360° videos. In combination with a motion capture system and integrated eye movement capture, complex movement behaviour can be explored in realistic situations while maintaining a high level of experimental control.

Behaviour Lab

The Behaviour Lab provides a flexible laboratory environment for studying human movement behaviour. Several people can move freely while their movements can be captured with an IR camera system. In combination with head-mounted displays, a stereoscopic powerwall or a three-sided CAVE including integrated eye movement capture, the lab offers ideal conditions for researching perception-action coupling with a high degree of experimental control.

Electrophysiology Lab

The Electrophysiology Lab offers the possibility of electrophysiological measurements and stimulations, especially in the context of sleep measurements. For example, brain activities (EEG, NIRS) can be measured or muscle contractions (EMS) stimulated. Two sleep cabins provide a comfortable environment for sleep and dream experiments while monitoring the data recordings by means of a customized experiment management system in an adjacent control room.

Health-Physiology Lab

The Health-Physiology Lab offers a wide range of performance and health physiology assessments. Apart from performance diagnostics, the inventory enables the assessment of health-related data using the latest, mainly non-invasive methods. The laboratory offers ideal conditions to analyze the health status of different target groups. Various portable systems also enable extensive field research.

Exergaming Lab

The Exergaming Lab features various exergames (a combination of «exercise» and «gaming»). Unlike regular (sedentary) computer games, the person playing the exergame is physically active during the video game and has to perform a wide variety of movements. The range of games available in the exergaming lab covers commercial as well as specifically developed applications, which are stationary, portable or suitable for home use.


Two cubicles offer a maximum of five flexible individual workstations for PC-based studies, for example in the context of psychophysiological or neuropsychological diagnostics. Classic experimental setups for studies on motor control and motor learning are available (for example, tracking or sequencing). In addition, studies with self-developed apparatuses (KSI lever apparatus, S-Vis-Mot system) are carried out in the cubicles, which makes it possible to address various aspects of movement, concept or sequence learning.

Research Tools


Several measuring instruments are available for recording various anthropometric parameters, which allow conclusions to be drawn about body composition and body mass.

Physical Activity Monitoring

Physical activity monitoring is carried out using various technical devices that assess indicators of movement activity. These technical devices record, for example, heart rate, acceleration in three-dimensional space, or the position of one or more persons using GPS.

Movement Diagnostics

A wide range of instruments for (ambulatory) diagnostics of human locomotor behavior is available at the institute. In addition to systems for gait diagnostics, these include in particular devices for jumping, balance and speed diagnostics. In addition to test batteries for general functional movement diagnostics, various sports simulators - also used in the context of experimental studies - allow the registration of sport-specific movement behavior.

Talent Diagnostics

Within the framework of several research projects in the field of talent research, various instruments for talent diagnostics have been developed, especially in the sport of football. The instruments (some of which have been adopted) cover psychological and motor characteristics as well as the sporting environment (e. g., family, club, coach). For all instruments, a detailed documentation is available.


At the Institute, questionnaires have been developed or translated and evaluated with regard to their psychometric properties, which can be used to examine social science issues in the context of sport and physical activity of individuals or groups. In addition, research instruments are available that are used to assess social integration and participation in the context of sport as well as athletic careers.

Multimedia Technology

For research as well as multimedia support of teaching, various camera systems are available that allow video-based motion analysis as well as real-time feedback. Furthermore, professional audio and camera systems are present for multi-perspective synchronous video capture and the creation of stimulus material for research. To support the digitization of teaching, a professional video studio has also been set up at the institute.