Textbook "Sport and Sleep" (Available only in German)

We believe that application-oriented research goes hand in hand with providing helpful suggestions to practitioners. Therefore, building on our research focus on "Sport and Sleep" and previous publications (Erlacher & Gebhardt, 2010, 2011; Erlacher et al., 2012), we have published a textbook on the topic (Erlacher, 2019; see video). After providing a theoretical introduction of fundamental sports science and sleep research, the book is mainly dedicated to providing practical applications of this knowledge in sports environments. The sleep of competitive athletes is described in detail, and the question of how jet lag and sleep deprivation affect competitive performance is answered. Furthermore, the experience of motor actions in dreams and the possibilities of movement training in lucid dreams are discussed. This textbook is suitable for those with interests in sports science, sleep medicine, psychology, or neurology, and also for trainers or anyone involved in sports who wants to learn more on the topic.


Erlacher, D. (2019). Sport und Schlaf. Angewandte Schlafforschung für die Sportwissenschaft. Springer.

Selected Publications:

Erlacher, D. & Gebhart, C. (2010). Schlafprobleme – Aktiv werden für einen besseren Schlaf. MobilesLEBEN, 21(4), 12–15.

Erlacher, D. & Gebhart, C. (2011). Wie schlafen Leistungssportler vor dem Wettkampf? Das Schlafmagazin(2), 42–45.

Erlacher, D., Gebhart, C., Ehrlenspiel, F., Blischke, K. & Schredl, M. (2012). Schlaf und Sport: Motorisches Gedächtnis, Wettkampfleistung und Schlafqualität. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, 19(1), 4–15. 10.1026/1612-5010/a000063