Prof. em. Dr. Achim Conzelmann

Former head of the department Sport Psychology and Research Methods

Postal Address
Bremgartenstrasse 145
3012 Berne

Publications since 2006

Publication Year Type
  • Seminars, colloquia and lectures in sport science with a focus on sport psychology and research methods as well as sub-areas of sport pedagogy (empirical school sport research) and movement science (motor development).
  • Courses on the theory and practice of tennis, cross-country skiing and mountain biking.

CV in short
2005-2024 Full Professorship of Sport Science with a focus on Sport Psychology and Research Methods at the University of Bern

Vice-Rector Development and member of the Executive Board of the University of Bern

2013-2015 Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Bern
2005-2016 Director of the Institute of Sport Science of the University of Bern
2003-2005 Professorship (C 3) of Sport Science with a focus on Sport Psychology and Movement Science at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel
2001-2003 Assistant Professorship (C 2) for Sport Science with a focus on Sport Psychology and Research Methods at the University of Tübingen
2000 Venia Legendi for Sport Science (University of Tübingen)
1996 Carl-Diem-Award of the German Sport Association
1995 Promotion Dr. rer. soc. in Sport Science (University of Tübingen)
Scientific research assistance at the Institute of Sport Science of the University of Tübingen