Number of items: 29.

Journal Article

Erlacher, Daniel; Schmid, Daniel; Zahno, Stephan; Schredl, Michael (2024). Changing Sleep Architecture through Motor Learning: Influences of a Trampoline Session on REM Sleep Parameters. Life, 14(2) MDPI 10.3390/life14020203

Beck, Damian; Hossner, Ernst-Joachim; Zahno, Stephan (2023). Mechanisms for handling uncertainty in sensorimotor control in sports: a scoping review. International review of sport and exercise psychology, pp. 1-35. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group 10.1080/1750984X.2023.2280899

Magnaguagno, Lukas; Hossner, Ernst-Joachim; Schmid, Jürg; Zahno, Stephan (2023). Decision-making performance and self-generated knowledge in handball-defense patterns: a case of representational redescription. German journal of exercise and sport research, 53(2), pp. 217-224. Springer 10.1007/s12662-022-00868-1

Kredel, Ralf; Hernandez, Julia; Hossner, Ernst-Joachim; Zahno, Stephan (2023). Eye-tracking technology and the dynamics of natural gaze behavior in sports: an update 2016-2022. Frontiers in psychology, 14(1130051), p. 1130051. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1130051

Zahno, Stephan; Hossner, Ernst-Joachim (2022). Creative actions in team sports are rooted in motor skills rather than in a divergent thinking ability. German journal of exercise and sport research, 53(2), pp. 206-216. Springer 10.1007/s12662-022-00847-6

Magnaguagno, Lukas; Zahno, Stephan; Kredel, Ralf; Hossner, Ernst-Joachim (2022). Contextual information in situations of uncertainty: The value of explicit-information provision depends on expertise level, knowledge acquisition and prior-action congruency. Psychology of sport and exercise, 59, p. 102109. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.psychsport.2021.102109

Hossner, Ernst-Joachim; Zahno, Stephan (2022). Beyond task-space exploration: On the role of variance for motor control and learning. Frontiers in psychology, 13(935273), p. 935273. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.935273

Zahno, Stephan; van der Kamp, John (2022). When insights based on ecological and cognitive theories to movement science converge-The case of creativity in sports. Frontiers in psychology, 13, p. 959599. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.959599

Zahno, Stephan; Hossner, Ernst-Joachim (2020). On the Issue of Developing Creative Players in Team Sports: A Systematic Review and Critique From a Functional Perspective. Frontiers in psychology, 11 Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.575475

Conference or Workshop Item

Beck, Damian; Zahno, Stephan; Kredel, Ralf; Hossner, Ernst-Joachim (July 2024). Bayes on the court: Evidence for continuous prior-knowledge integration in virtual tennis returns (Unpublished). In: FEPSAC - Congress 2024: PERFORMANCE UNDER PRESSURE.

Beck, Damian; Zahno, Stephan; Kredel, Ralf; Hossner, Ernst-Joachim (May 2024). Bayes on the court: Evidence for continuous prior-knowledge integration in virtual-reality tennis returns (Unpublished). In: METHODENVIELFALT: LEBENDIGKEIT IN THEORIE UND PRAXIS.

Zahno, Stephan; Beck, Damian; Kredel, Ralf; Klostermann, André; Hossner, Ernst-Joachim (May 2024). Risk Optimisation in Action: Differences between Fixated Aim Points and Movement Outcomes in VR Throwing. In: Koester, Dirk; Krämer, Lina; Fuhlert, Leonard; Everding, Jannik; Weilharter, Fritz; Marlovits, Andreas (eds.) 56. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie ASP. Methodenvielfalt: Lebendigkeit in Theorie und Praxis. Berlin. 9.-11. Mai 2024.

Zahno, Stephan (May 2024). Risk Optimisation in Action: Differences between Fixated Aim Points and Movement Outcomes in VR Throwing (Unpublished). In: 56. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie ASP. Berlin. 9.-11. Mai.

Beck, Damian; Zahno, Stephan (February 2024). Bayes on the court: Evidence for continuous prior-knowledge integration in virtual-reality tennis returns (Unpublished). In: Approaches in Sports Sciences - Today and Tomorrow!.

Beck, Damian; Zahno, Stephan; Kredel, Ralf; Hossner, Ernst-Joachim (29 September 2023). Bayesian integration of prior knowledge into perception in a virtual reality tennis return situation (Unpublished). In: Progress in Motor Control XIV - Conference of the of the International Society of Motor Control. Rom. 27.-30. September 2023.

Zahno, Stephan; Beck, Damian; Kredel, Ralf; Klostermann, André; Hossner, Ernst-Joachim (September 2023). Risk optimisation during ongoing movements: Insights from movement and gaze behaviour in throwing (Unpublished). In: Progress in Motor Control XIV - Conference of the of the International Society of Motor Control. Rom. 27.-30. September 2023.

Vater, Christian; Pinchuk, Svitlana; Zahno, Stephan (May 2023). Gaze behavior of football players is explained by task demands rather than players’ creativity: A virtual-reality experiment with natural action responses (Unpublished). In: 55. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie (asp). Stuttgart. 18.-20. Mai.

Beck, Damian; Zahno, Stephan; Hossner, Ernst-Joachim (2 February 2023). Dealing with uncertainty in sensorimotor control in sports: A systematic review. Current Issues in Sport Science (CISS), 8(2). Bern Open Publishing 10.36950/2023.2ciss092

Zahno, Stephan; Vater, Christian (February 2023). Creativity and gaze behaviour in football. Current Issues in Sport Science (CISS), 8(2). Bern: Bern Open Publishing 10.36950/2023.2ciss044

Zahno, Stephan; Hossner, Ernst-Joachim (July 2022). Creativity in team sports: Enhancing players’ motor skills rather than divergent thinking fosters creative actions. In: 16th European Congress of Sport and Exercise Psychology FEPSAC. Padua. 11.-16.7.2022.

Zahno, Stephan; Hossner, Ernst-Joachim (June 2022). Creative actions in team sports are fostered by enhancing players’ motor skills rather than a divergent thinking ability (Unpublished). In: 54. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie (asp). Münster. 16.-18.6.2022.

Zahno, Stephan (10 February 2022). Creativity in elite youth football: Enhancing players’ motor skills rather than a divergent thinking ability fosters creative actions. In: 13. Jahrestagung der Sportwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft SGS. online (Lausanne). 9.-10.02.2022.

Zahno, Stephan (February 2022). Creativity in elite youth football: Enhancing players’ motor skills rather than a divergent thinking ability fosters creative actions (Unpublished). In: 13. Jahrestagung der Sportwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft SGS. online (Lausanne). 9.-10.2.2022.

Zahno, Stephan; Hossner, Ernst-Joachim (May 2020). Kreativitätstraining verbessert Kreativitätstestresultate - funktionales Techniktraining verbessert Kreativität im Spiel. In: 52. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie. Salzburg. 21.-23. Mai 2020.

Zahno, Stephan (May 2020). Kreativitätstraining verbessert Kreativitätstestresultate - funktionales Techniktraining verbessert Kreativität im Spiel (Unpublished). In: 52. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie. Salzburg. 21.-23. Mai 2020.

Zahno, Stephan; Hossner, Ernst-Joachim (November 2019). Kreativitätstraining verbessert Kreativitätstestresultate – funktionales Techniktraining verbessert Kreativität im Spiel. In: Magglinger Trainertagung 2019 (p. 4). Ittigen b. Bern: Swiss Olympic

Zahno, Stephan; Hossner, Ernst-Joachim (October 2019). Kreativitätstraining verbessert Kreativitätstestresultate – funktionales Techniktraining verbessert Kreativität im Spiel. In: 27. Jahrestagung der dvs-Kommission Fussball. Schriften der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft: Vol. 284. Hamburg: Feldhaus Edition Czwalina

Zahno, Stephan (October 2019). Kreativitätstraining verbessert Kreativitätstestresultate – funktionales Techniktraining verbessert Kreativität im Spiel (Unpublished). In: 27. Jahrestagung der dvs-Kommission Fussball. Karlsruhe. 07.-09.10.2019.

Software & Other Digital Items

Magnaguagno, Lukas; Zahno, Stephan; Hossner, Ernst-Joachim (2023). Open Data: raw data head and back cluster of "The Information Gain of Explicitly Provided over Implicitly Acquired Contextual Knowledge for Behavioral Control". [Software & Other Digital Items]

This list was generated on Fri Sep 13 14:13:22 2024 CEST.
  • Motor learning and motor control (MSc-Module)
  • Decision-making and action in sports (BSc-Seminar)

Lecturer in the field of coaching education (professional coaching diploma BASPO, modules "motor learning" and "functional movement analysis"; DOSB coaches’ academy, module “coordination and coordination training”) and in the continuing education programmes MAS Dance Science (module "motor control and learning") and DAS Sport Psychology (module "motor learning").

Reviewer for scientific journals (Human Movement Science, Psychology of Sport & Exercise, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology).

Active member of the R&D expert group of the Swiss Football Association (SFV) and the UniBE focus group Extended Reality.