Institut für Sportwissenschaft


Sustainability in sport science: A report on the sixth summer school of the doctoral program “Problem-oriented Sport Science” 2023 hosted by the Technical University of Munich

The sixth edition of the summer school of the doctoral program "Problem-oriented Sport Science" took place in Munich from June 28th to 30th, 2023, in collaboration with the University of Tübingen, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and the Technical University of Munich.

This year’s edition focused on the sustainability of sport (science). Besides an interactive workshop and two keynote lectures, the 2023 summer school allowed participants to present their research projects in smaller interdisciplinary working groups and place them in the context of (sustainable) problem-oriented sport science.

In total, about 90 participants (among them 16 PhD students and 6 supervisors from the University of Bern) attended a variety of topics from all disciplines of sport science. To kick off the event, participants were divided into six workgroups, which aimed to create an overview of a selected topic regarding sustainable sport science and the underlying issues. They then presented how individuals and "sport science" can contribute to sustainable development in their topics to the other workshop groups in interactive sessions.

During the three days, international experts delivered thematically and disciplinary relevant keynotes. Helen Gampper, a Senior Manager of Legacy & Sustainability for the Rhine-Ruhr 2025, talked about how to integrate sustainability issues into major sporting events in Germany. Sandra Klaperski-van der Wal from the Radboud University Nijmegen presented the need to care about sustainability in sport and exercise psychology and sport science in general.

A joint walk and dining at the Hirschgarten and the Fachschafts Summerparty at the venue of the summer school served as networking events that enabled researchers to connect and provided time for socialization outside of the professional setting and created a way to recharge.

Overall, the sixth summer school allowed young academics to present their ideas in a problem-oriented and interdisciplinary perspective, connect with other doctoral students and international experts, and plan future collaborations.

We look forward to the next summer school edition in Tübingen.

Philipp Koch